
Showing posts from 2020

Igbo Historic Moments More Than A 1000 Years

By: IRABOR CHIJIOKE  Igbo which is  occupied by the Easterners in Eastern Region, has been in existence over more than 3000 years  ago.. Before the Creation of Nigeria and has two Kingdoms Such as Aro and Nri Communities.. An Infographic will be used to give a vivid picture of how they came to being.. Finally, it is necessary to note that the Igbo's are very industrious and Socio-Economically advanced in their Enterprise in fast-tracking human capital development...

ITT Allegedly Spent Millions To Obtain Contracts in Nigeria

M.O.K Abiola  By John F. Berry August 17, 1980 International Telephone and Telegraph Corp. has made questionable payments of millions of dollars beginning in 1975 and continuing into this year to gain huge telecommunications sales contracts in Nigeria, according to ITT sources. Central to the Nigerian payments is a politically powerful businessman named Alhaji Chief M.K.O. Abiola, who, sources say, has received large payments and has distributed some of the funds to Nigerian government officials. By all accounts, including those of a senior ITT official in an on-the-record statement, Abiola has been paid lavishly to represent ITT interests in Nigeria. ITT officials say the payments to Abiola have been salary and commissions which, they say, are perfectly proper because of Abiola's role as a business partner with ITT in Nigeria. Abiola, who will be 43 later this month, has the title of chairman of ITT Nigeria and owns about 40 percent of the subsidiary in his company according to IT...